Shenmis replied

399 weeks ago

RULE YOUR WORLD (ONLY MAD PEOPLE RULE THE WORLD): love, power, purpose driven, christian life, faith and rule (only mad people rule the world series Book 1)
by Ire Charles Prenibbs

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My…model…for…this…is…Jesus…and…how…he…and…the…apostles…quoted…the…Old…TestamentIt's….up….to….us….to….know….such….as….2….Corinthians….6:14-17,….which….warns….us,…."Do….not….be….unequally….yoked….together….with….unbelieversyour….arrival….gave….him….great….pleasure."[1,….page….63]…."You….are….a….child….of….God,….and….you….bring….pleasure….to….God….like….nothing….else….he….has….ever…',–..",,….not….add….to….His….words,….lest….He….rebuke….you,….and….you….be….found….a….liar."….Yet,….man's….incessant….quest….for…."new,….fresh….ways"….has….always….made….us….vulnerable….to….temptationTheir…key…to…"measurable…success"…is…monitoring…and…manipulating…the…"felt…needs"…of…the…masses…–…a…shrewd…strategy…that…requires…continual…polls,…surveys,…assessments…and…digital…data…systemsFaith,…Life…and…Leadership:…8…Canadian…Women…Tell…Their…Stories…January…23,…2017…Mathew…CommaUncategorized…&…Download…Now…Read…Online…('s..words:..".in..this..movement,Jesus,, 5d8a9798ff

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